Contact Us

General Enquiries
For any future correspondences, please forward to the below address:-
The Joint Provisional Liquidators of
CW Group Holdings Limited (In Provisional Liquidation)
c/o PricewaterhouseCoopers Limited
22/F, Prince's Building
Hong Kong
Head Office
CW Group Holdings Limited (In Provisional Liquidation)
68 Kallang Pudding Road
#05-01 SYH Logistics Building
Singapore 349327

Registered Office
PwC Corporate Finance & Recovery (Cayman) Limited
18 Forum Lane, Camana Bay, Cayman Islands

By an order granted by the Grand Court of the Cayman Islands on 29 January 2019, the original joint provisional liquidators of the Company, namely Ms Eleanor Fisher and Mr Gordon MacRae of Kalo (Cayman) Limited and Mr Osman Mohammed Arab of RSM Corporate Advisory (Hong Kong) Limited are discharged from office. By the same Order, Man Chun So of PricewaterhouseCoopers Limited, Yat Kit Jong of PricewaterhouseCoopers Consultants (Shenzhen) Limited and Simon Richard Conway of PwC Corporate Finance & Recovery (Cayman) Limited were appointed as the Joint Provisional Liquidators of the Company.